Two Point Campus Release Date News

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Two Point Campus Release Date News

Hi lovelies!

We have some news to share that we know will no doubt disappoint some of you. As always, we'll cut right to the chase - We've made the difficult decision to push the launch of Two Point Campus back from 17th May 2022 to 9th August 2022. 

BUT... it's for the best, we promise! 

As you know, one of our biggest goals with Two Point Campus is to launch on PC and console platforms from day one, and we want to make sure that every single one of you gets the best quality game no matter what you're playing on. So in order for everyone to have the incredible experience we all want you to have, we need a little more time to continue our optimisation efforts for all platforms. Now don't get us wrong... we're nearly there! So the extra three months we have is going to really help us get Two Point Campus to the quality you've all come to expect from us as a studio. 

Mark Webley, Game Director at Two Point Studios had this to say:

"Our ambition from the start has been to release Two Point Campus across all PC and console platforms simultaneously to the quality and standard that our community expects from us. This means we will need a little bit more time with Two Point Campus to make sure we deliver the best possible game that can be enjoyed equally on all platforms”. We will use these additional three months to optimise Two Point Campus for all platforms.”

Of course, we understand some people might be feeling disappointed with this news. Honestly, we are too. We're really excited for you to get started in the game, but it just wouldn't be fair on you or ourselves to release a game that isn't quite ready yet. We're committed to making sure everyone gets the best possible experience while playing Two Point Campus! 

Even though the release date has been pushed back a little, we've still got A LOT to show you! So why not take a moment to grab some Cheesy Gubbins, and let Mark Webley, Gary Carr and more of our lovely dev team show you what's waiting for you on August 9th in our brand new Developer Vision video!

Source: Two Point County