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Play Now with Advanced Access | Twitch Drops, Integration and free items!

AAAAAAAAAAA TODAY'S THE DAY! Welcome, esteemed guests of Two Point County. Today is the official Grand Opening of Two Point Museum with digital Explorer Editions

Museum Community FAQ

Welcome, Curators! To your Museum FAQ~

Museum Twitch Drops | Live 17:00 GMT

We’re excited to bring Twitch Drops to Two Point County for the first time. Channels streaming Two Point Museum can opt-in to these fabulous items, meaning you lovely viewers can earn free stuff whilst watching gameplay. Drops are available for all players to earn, on both PC & console.

Two Point Museum Twitch Integration | How to Guide

Welcome to the Two Point Museum Twitch Integration, where your viewers do more than just watch—they interfere (in the best possible way). Whether they're helping, hindering, or just causing delightful mayhem, this guide will get you set up and streaming in no time.

Pebberley Heights | Space Museum

An unidentified fallen object crash-landed here, making it the perfect place - and the perfect time - to set up shop and look to the stars

Bungle Wasteland | The Science Museum

Head to an abandoned facility in the desert, polluted with strange phenomena and inorganic nonsense and ask: “what in the science is going on?”

Wailon Lodge | Supernatural Museum

For years, the Lodge was bothered by wandering ghosts, so why not invite them to stay?

Two Point Museum | Release Date & Preorder Announcement!

IT’S HAPPENING! See the latest news about preorders, release date and MORE! Two Point Museum coming 4th March 2025

Two Point Museum | Wishlist Now

Curate and manage incredible museums! Explore to discover amazing artefacts. Design and refine the layout, keep staff happy, guests entertained, donations plentiful… and children off the exhibits. Wishlist now!

Operation: Charter | Archaeology Mystery

It’s up to you, Pointans, to solve the mystery! Can you lend a hand to uncover the truth behind these serial heists?