Update 1.5 - What's It's Got!?

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Update 1.5 - What's It's Got!?

Hi everyone,

Update 1.5 is the next release for Two Point Campus with lots of bug fixes, changes, and some FREE items! This is an exciting one for us as it's our first update with some cool new stuff that we hope you'll all really like (as well as bug fixes of course - we all like those!)

We're sure you're eager to hear all about what's in update 1.5, so let's dive right in.

New Items

While the code team have been busy fixing bugs, our art team have been busy making some lovely new items for you to enjoy!

First up... TINY RADIATORS AND SUCH. We heard you were missing the small radiators and air-con units from Two Point Hospital, so we added some similar items for Campus. These are really useful for those of you wanting to min/max your rooms efficiently. 

Next up... a new relationship AND entertainment item! There's nothing quite like going on a see-saw ride with the person you love the most, right? 

For those preferring to entertain themselves, how about a personal mini-golf course. It's like a "personal pizza" but you can't eat it. 

New Creative Items

Hedges and Fences were already a great way to pretty-up your campus, but now with these new additions your building skills are going to go from here... to HERE (yes... you're right, that phrase doesn't work when you don't have hand gestures to go with them... but you get the idea). 

How about some new paths? Ohhhh yeaaahhh! We've added two new pathing tools to our smartbrushes AND we've made some improvements in general to make the existing ones look even better! 

Job Assignment Menu

Possibly the most requested feature so far has been the Job Assignment screen, where you can select which areas of work each member of staff can focus on. So we're very excited to announce its arrival in Update 1.5! 

That's not everything either! Check out the Release Notes sub-forum to see all the fixes too! 

Update 1.5 is available to download now on Steam, Xbox and Playstation 5. Switch & PS4 players, we're just working on a few more fixes, but we're aiming to get this update out to you as soon as possible. 

Source: Two Point County