What's Happening to our Social Pages?!

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What's Happening to our Social Pages?!

Hey everyone,

We hope you're having a sweet day so far! This is just a little heads up for those of you who follow us on our social channels that things are about to CHANGE! Don't worry it's not that scary, or maybe it is... it's not, don't worry... unless...? 

We've been taking a look at our channels like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and have decided to do a little bit of a merge. We want to make it super easy for players like yourself to chat to us and make some lovely, new Two Point friends. So we'll be merging all of our social accounts on each platform into one all-encompassing Two Point Studios channel! This means you'll only ever need to follow one account to stay up to date with all the latest news on anything and everything Two Point, from Campus to BEYOND! (No... "beyond" isn't the name of a new game, stop it, Campus isn't even out yet). 

Once the merge is complete, we'll update this blog with the new social handles (we'll be @TwoPointStudios everywhere). 

Have an awesome Monday, lots of love!

So really this blog is just to give everyone a little heads up that things might look weird on our social channels while we're sorting the merge out! But once it's done... it's going to be the best thing since Burp Soda! We'll post the new links right here when we've got them, but if you need to get in touch in the meantime, you can still do so on our normal channels! 

Source: Two Point County